State of Affairs And Affairs Of The State


As I’m writing this it’s barely a month of a miraculous peaceful overthrowing of our previous kleptocratic government by the grace of God and the will of the people. With barely any violence we the people spoke in unity to throw the scumbags out into the street and usher in a new era of governance lead by a 93 year old that we used to revile along with his Coalition to steer this country back to prosperity.

I’ve also just learned that Anthony Bourdain was found dead in his hotel room in an apparent suicide, Donald Trump is at the G7 meeting breaking all kinds of protocol and diplomacy, and Kim Jong Un will be meeting the US President in Singapore for what will be the most historic summit of these sworn enemies.

Indeed these are truly interesting times that I’m living in. But alas….forces with sinister intentions are lurking in the shadows waiting for any opportunity to revert this country back to division with the ever familiar 3R’s, race, religion, royalty. And the new administration is openly bickering about non essential issues and looks to be easily distracted from the things that matters most to us the ordinary folks.

And in this hodge podge of confusion the main perpetrators that has blatantly and literally robbed this nations coffers are still enjoying freedom from persecution and actually adding to the chaos with their rhetoric even as their crimes are laid bare for all to see.

In this crucial time for reforms and payback it infuriates me that there are still a segment of the people that without any shame or remorse that is still supporting the very people that has brought this nation almost to it’s knee financially.

And there those within the ruling administration that seems to be WORKING AGAINST the duly elected government at every turn. The overwhelming ‘voice’ of the people that voted for some of these individuals seems to be forgotten by them. We are just pawns and the old system looks to be alive and well still?

How could this be? Each day we are learning of the transgressions of the previous government with revelations of corruption, misconduct, breach of trust, and yet some of the very people involved are still in their positions!!

The new administration speaks of the Rule Of Law but no action seems to be forthcoming. Where is the action? Where is the charges and indictments to bring those guilty into a court of law? The longer they remain free the more the administration loses the trust and goodwill of the people and the easier it will be for those sinister forces to disrupt and divide to conquer and bring this nation back to as it was!

And then we have Anwar Ibrahim. The wild card so to speak in the larger scheme of things. Not once since his release has he shown any sincerity nor gratitude to the masses that allowed him to be pardoned by the Agong in the first place. Instead his first mission it seemed was to pander to the Royalties when those same Royalties were selfishly allowing the very fabric of this nation to be torn asunder with rise to extremism, corruption and blatant disregard to the Laws and as the people suffered these Royals were silent witout a peep of discontent and yet they seem to be Anwar’s priority. He speaks eloquently sure but eloquence is no substitute for substance. A Prime Minister in waiting? Indeed!!

The opposition is regrouping and pouncing on every perceived missteps by the new administration that is still allowing extremists with hate and malice to be heard and sow discord and ruining the new beginning the people demanded.

The system IS broken and needs an overhaul. The time is NOW! Pussyfooting on every issue is not helping anyone. This is the time to unite not divide, this is the time for strength not weakness, this is the time for change not reminisce, this is the time to steer this nation and opposing voices be damned, this is the time for courage of conviction!!

The people expect and demand a better governance as they should. The politics of race or religion should be dumped into the dustbin of history IF we are to achieve our true glory as a country!!

The members of the press must buck up and abandon the old way of treating news as tabloid pieces with nothing of substance but fluffy pieces for idiots to consume. Where are the hard hitting questions? Why are you members of the press not grabbing this new sense of freedom to educate and shape and mold the people’s mind to accepting the new  realities?

Or are you so stuck in your ways that you fail to see the forests for the trees? As the fourth estate that is unacceptable! Your job is to question and report only factual information and use that information and facts to inform and educate the people.

Let’s see if you are up to the challenge because failure for you to do so is a disservice to our nation and you have no business calling yourselves Journalists or Reporters. Have pride in your work and in your power of influence. How about it press??

We are at the threshold of a new beginning and as such are indeed vulnerable and the whole world is watching. This could be our moment in history to shine or to languish into the heap of a failed state with dire consequence for the people who rests their hopes and aspirations on your shoulders to be their voice, their collective conscience, their armada of accountability. Will you let them down??

And as to those in charge in Putrajaya please don’t take us all for granted. We are fed up and we’re still sore with what has been going on for the past decade of the stench and rot invading our systems and all the crap we had to endure. We rest our aspirations on all of you to do the right thing and if you can’t or won’t have the decency to get out of the way!!

Time is not on your side and speed is of the essence! The people have spoken and it bears repeating that WE HAVE SPOKEN!!! Dismiss our voices at your own peril!!!


A Malaysian.



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