Outside Of Outsyedthebox

I am an avid reader of the esteemed Syed Ali of https://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com/ blog. I find myself drawn to his thoughts and opinions on the state of our affairs. Being a well connected man with vast experience it’s refreshing to read up on his blog and get a sense of the pulse of our current state of affairs.
His views echoes that of mine on matters of economy, education, politics, the middle east and religion. He has over 60mil hits on his blog and that’s truly amazing. Any media outlet would be lucky to have even half that on their sites or publication.

And yet it seems that despite having that number of readers, his views is not considered main stream enough for our own Main Stream Media? I find that perplexing. He writes about issues that we all care about in a simple to understand and logical way and yet there’s hardly anyone in the government taking notice of the stuff he highlights even when it makes sense to all who read his article/s.
Why is that? On the economy for example, his matter of fact views are right on the money and if acted upon by those in the corridors of Putrajaya will no doubt allow ALL OF US a better future to earn our living in the fairest way possible! But it’s too hard to be understood by the so called economic ‘experts’ advising the government on economic issues.

The definition of CRAZY is repeating the same actions and expecting a different result! And yet that’s exactly what the people in charge is doing! There’s just too much VESTED interest in the current CORRUPTED system to even TRY to change. It’s too deeply ingrained in our governance like a cancer and seems impossible to cure.

We voted in a whole new (UNTESTED..mostly) team to rid our nation of this panacea only to be served much the same! It’s maddening! Our country is slowly reverting and rotting from the inside in all sectors. Businesses are slowing down, racial harmony is eroding, the education system is a mess with a lunatic at the helm of the department, our Ministers are a joke, our media is still stuck in sensationalism with hardly any substantive reporting in the likes of Citizen Nades for example and no one seems to care!!!

The majority of malays have lost their sense of being malays! They’re now ‘arabs’ and as a malay even I am not acceptable to them! I’m labelled a Liberal for just being what I always was and have been brought up to be…. Adab sopan? Please……just read on the comments section from FB to Twitter or any other social media. Words like babi, sial, haramjadah is the new lingo! Shaming those that think differently than you is the new mantra!

We malays cry Hidup Melayu!! And the irony of it is you are not even Melayu anymore!! You have abandoned us by your actions and beliefs!! No one can disagree with you for anything!! Only you are in the right!! Melayu must be saved you shout!! My question is from what? Here in the cyber hinterland you scream and shout and curse but the fact remains that come time to buy groceries, a new TV, a new computer etc it’s still mostly a Chinese and Indian shop you buy them from!!
When you’re lying in a hospital bed, does it matter what race the Doctors or Nurses are? When you need donations does it make a difference what race that donations come from? When you bleed and a Chinese or Indian or Kadazan or Iban isn’t the blood still red? A RM50 note from a malay or whatever race is still worth RM50 is it not? THINK damn it! THINK!

What are you really afraid of? Losing what? We’ve been an independent country for over 60 years and please someone explain to me in that time what have we Melayu lost? Don’t we still have Mosques every 100 feet apart? Are we not the dominant race in Parliament? Isn’t our PM and DPM malay still? Is our Sultan’s living in fear of their lives? What have we lost???????????? We are economically inferior yes! But that’s on US! We have more poverty in our midst true! But that’s also on US! Why blame others? Is that the spirit of Pendekar that we are so proud to evoke at the slightest (of what we perceive as) insults?

Why are we so dependent on the government for everything? That is the crux of it! We are too lazy to think for ourselves so we leave it to others to do the thinking for us. And those people have their own vested interests to protect and understand that your well being is always the last on their minds! Don’t believe me? 60 plus years of independence with UMNO ruling and rigging the system to enrich themselves and who are the ones still left behind? YOU!! That’s who!!

What have you done to empower Melayu today? Minum at the warong doesn’t count, insulting other races in social media doesn’t count … What have you done today that will bring about the changes to empower us all as Melayu? We used to be smart, bright, brave to face our challenges without ever resorting to using our Melayuness as an excuse to be owed something. What happened to us my brothers and sisters? We do we belong in this global landscape when others are making progress?
Will our sense of pride be enough to give our children the opportunities they need to better themselves? Will insulting others be enough for us to achieve our goals? What’s next? Another Perhimpunan? Another tunjuk perasaan? Will that cure the ‘cancer’ you think? Or isn’t it better to hold strong all of US as Malaysians? The more they try to divide the closer we should be to let them fail! Bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh is not limited to only one bangsa. Imagine a united nation in a world full of division at this moment in history? Imagine what an oasis of humanity Malaysia would become if we all stand UNITED with each other.

No, I doubt I’ll see such a thing before I’m called by Allah back to HIM. It’s easier to blame others for our shortcomings. Let’s not demand our politicians to serve us all equally. It’s unimaginable……right? We must protect our own kind. I am an optimist but it’s getting harder and harder to remain one….


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