Selective Nationalism
I've been laying low after the holidays and trying hard to stay away from the news as lately it's been depressing after the initial euphoria of ousting Ex-PM's Najib and his Cabinet Of Fools. But I choose to write today to ease some of my frustrations. In other words I feel the need to get things off my chest and writing is my way of coping with the stupidity still permeating our national psyche.
Case in point the truly pointless debate on Lim Guan Eng's use of mandarin for one of his official posting. With UMNO,Khairi and even the MYDIN's boss among others crying foul. Is this really an issue? Really? So it was in mandarin so what? It's not something so outrageous as to deserve media attention I don't think. Of course LGE one can argue should of known better as the Finance Minister of Malaysia to be more careful with his actions but what's done is done I say. Move on..
This is what I mean by Selective Nationalism. Only picking certain issues based on race or religion or even at times gender to sow discord and division based on silly issues that does nothing for anyone except maybe the 'noisemakers' appeal to the already mostly stupid masses. But hell yes! It works!! So it never stops!!
And it's not reserved for Nationalism, one can use the same method for race or religion, they work just as well to stir up some bogus 'threats' to whatever happens to be the issue at the time. And as a citizen, I find this endless cycle of 'I'm better than you' annoying and keeps us in a perpetual loop of US AGAINST THEM mentality which serves no purpose.
But here we are again and soon we'll move on to other imaginary slights that will repeat this very cycle! What a time waster.... As to Khairi, wouldn't it be more pertinent on him to get his UMNO house in order? UMNO is in it's death bed and so far none of it's leaders or members have the sense to blame themselves and apologise and atone for their destruction of this nation's economy, rule of law, freedom of expression, robbing the coffers at any and all opportunity and the sowing of division in our society just to name a few. Noooooo......those are non issues to Khairi and his ilk. No Sir!
What damage they've collectively done is for others to clean up. Not them... they are still the princelings of heaven who are not beholden to us mere mortals! And as to MYDIN's Boss? I'd rather not waste your time or mine.
Case in point the truly pointless debate on Lim Guan Eng's use of mandarin for one of his official posting. With UMNO,Khairi and even the MYDIN's boss among others crying foul. Is this really an issue? Really? So it was in mandarin so what? It's not something so outrageous as to deserve media attention I don't think. Of course LGE one can argue should of known better as the Finance Minister of Malaysia to be more careful with his actions but what's done is done I say. Move on..
This is what I mean by Selective Nationalism. Only picking certain issues based on race or religion or even at times gender to sow discord and division based on silly issues that does nothing for anyone except maybe the 'noisemakers' appeal to the already mostly stupid masses. But hell yes! It works!! So it never stops!!
And it's not reserved for Nationalism, one can use the same method for race or religion, they work just as well to stir up some bogus 'threats' to whatever happens to be the issue at the time. And as a citizen, I find this endless cycle of 'I'm better than you' annoying and keeps us in a perpetual loop of US AGAINST THEM mentality which serves no purpose.
But here we are again and soon we'll move on to other imaginary slights that will repeat this very cycle! What a time waster.... As to Khairi, wouldn't it be more pertinent on him to get his UMNO house in order? UMNO is in it's death bed and so far none of it's leaders or members have the sense to blame themselves and apologise and atone for their destruction of this nation's economy, rule of law, freedom of expression, robbing the coffers at any and all opportunity and the sowing of division in our society just to name a few. Noooooo......those are non issues to Khairi and his ilk. No Sir!
What damage they've collectively done is for others to clean up. Not them... they are still the princelings of heaven who are not beholden to us mere mortals! And as to MYDIN's Boss? I'd rather not waste your time or mine.
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