Why is no one in Government talking about tech???

Why is no one in the Government talking about technology? We're in 2018 and advancements in technology is everywhere and in almost all sectors and can be harnessed and used in multiple sectors to enhance our growth engine.

We are still behind and dependent on others for technology and this is unacceptable. We have the largest internet penetration in terms of population and yet we are still talking about sunset industries like car manufacturing? We have 2 national cars and that should be enough.

There is so much that can be achieved using available technology and yet no one not even the Minister in charge seems interested to do something about it.

- Mobile tech
- Alternative energy
- Artificial Intelligence
- Finance Tech (Fintech)
- Alternative Energy
- Bio Technology
- Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
- Internet Of Things (IOT)
- 5G Spectrum
- Crowd Sourcing
- Autonomous Vehicles Technology
- Drones
- Digital Centralization
- Data Collection And Analytics

Just to name a few. Any one of the above if given the right focus and funding by qualified people at the helm will generate returns two or threefold to our economy.

But no....we're content to only be end users for technology. We're content to still be arguing about our race!! Our religion!! Matters that has no business in any government!! We talk only politics and more politics!! It's getting on my nerves!!!

What a load of bull!! If we just focus now in 10-15 years we would be so much better off than we are now and for the past 60+ years as a nation!!

Is there no one that sees the opportunity? Tech can be used to narrow the increasing income gap in a shorter time than traditional methods. We have the infrastructure already in place with Cyberjaya and a few agencies but we lack direction and focus. There is almost zero R.O.I on the monies spent on this that I can see so far...we have a multitude of funds for developing this sector but no one seems to know how to access those funds.

Too many red tape is in place when tech sectors are fluid and dynamic where each funds and access to said funds must be constantly tweaked to meet the needs of aspirants into the sector. Flexibility is key and the current one size fits all approach is not working anymore. 

Simplification is sorely needed. And only one agency must be in charge so that dialogues and discussions can be acted upon quickly without going through layers and layers of bureaucracy. I hope something is done about this and done soon because we are being passed by every day by our neighbors.


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