Malaysia it seems is sliding dangerously towards a version of Nazism which I term as Mazism due to the constant and unrelenting use of race, religion, royalty. As with the Nazi's the new mushrooming of groups, NGO's etc promotes Malay pride (Master Race), anti jews, anti chinese and expresses dissatisfaction with things like ICERD without the need for proper dialogue and consultations. Sound familiar? And the authorities are slow to identify and curb such extremists views and allowing for these pressure groups with nefarious motives and intentions to gain traction and support throughout the malay citizens. What are they thinking? I am all for freedom of expression but when a group of people can threaten chaos if things doesn't go their way well....need I say more? Perhaps someone has to get hurt before we realise that this is a problem. And this is supposedly a New Malaysia. We are slowly dividing our fellow Malaysians by refusing to acknowledge the issue for politica...
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