
Showing posts from June, 2018

Aku Melayu.....Retrospektif.....

Aku Melayu........       Aku melayu........   Aku ada tanah tapi hanya sawit,sawah dan getah....   Aku ada Raja tapi tetap di bawah.....   Aku ada Degree tapi hanya layak jadi kuli....   Aku ada ilmu tapi guna untuk menipu....   Aku ada tenaga tapi hanya tau meminta...   Aku ada pejuang bangsa tapi hanya untuk kuasa...   Aku ada kuota tapi lebih ke auta...   Aku hidup sempit tapi masih tak sedar...   Aku banyak harta tapi semua Bank yang punya...   Aku ada Ketuanan tapi siang malam cari makan....   Aku patut bersatu tapi tetap asyik cemburu....   Aku banyak peluang tapi suka suka aku buang...   Aku bicara Globalisasi tapi masih untuk sendiri....   Aku berangan nak hidup kaya guna skim bermacam rupa.....   Aku hidup untuk dunia tapi mengaku pandai hal hal agama....   Aku melayu???......      

Selective Nationalism

I've been laying low after the holidays and trying hard to stay away from the news as lately it's been depressing after the initial euphoria of ousting Ex-PM's Najib and his Cabinet Of Fools. But I choose to write today to ease some of my frustrations. In other words I feel the need to get things off my chest and writing is my way of coping with the stupidity still permeating our national psyche. Case in point the truly pointless debate on Lim Guan Eng's use of mandarin for one of his official posting. With UMNO,Khairi and even the MYDIN's boss among others crying foul. Is this really an issue? Really? So it was in mandarin so what? It's not something so outrageous as to deserve media attention I don't think. Of course LGE one can argue should of known better as the Finance Minister of Malaysia to be more careful with his actions but what's done is done I say. Move on.. This is what I mean by Selective Nationalism. Only picking certain issues based o...

Selamat Hari Raya To All..


Another Day Another Loophole Exposed Another Corruption Brought To Light..

Nothing it seems is sacred to DS Najib's regime it seems. The exploitation of any all procedural loopholes is staggering and when that fails they even have the gall to side step all laws completely. Now we are learning about the latest in a long, long line of scandals involving the procurement of medicines for the Health Ministry thanks to some brave souls that have highlighted the issue into the open. What is more damaging is the active and willing participation of Multi National Pharma's in cahoots with politicians and royalties (If proven true). I'm willing to bet that it is as it fits the pattern of these MNC's to bribe their way whenever that is more convenient and to hell with who has to bear the payment for those bribes as long as it doesn't hurt their bottom line. The C.E.O's of the MNC's involved and all involved parties must be exposed for all to see and indicted as per our laws to set the example as an immediate step to stop this practise at o...

Awang Selamat Tak Selamat

Yesterday , Awang Selamat made a claim that the malays are already regretting voting for PH in the last GE. He babbled about some issues that had cropped up since PH won the GE although he didn't manage to elaborate on what specific issues was he basing his column on. I would guess he must've of meant the appointing of Tommy Thomas as the new AG or the revelation of Saudara Kadir Jasin as to the expenses the Government and by extension the rakyat had to bear for the upkeep of the multitude of Royalties in Malaysia as well as The Agong which Awang perceives as the erosion of malay dominance by the new administration. I guess when looked upon strictly from a race perspective and in a feudalistic narrow mindset that would be valid arguments. But we all (right thinking malay) knows that Awang is just doing the only thing he knows best and that is to spew such drivel to stir the racial pot of the malays to be emotional and lash out at the new guys in Putrajaya. Expect some obs...
State of Affairs And Affairs Of The State   As I’m writing this it’s barely a month of a miraculous peaceful overthrowing of our previous kleptocratic government by the grace of God and the will of the people. With barely any violence we the people spoke in unity to throw the scumbags out into the street and usher in a new era of governance lead by a 93 year old that we used to revile along with his Coalition to steer this country back to prosperity. I’ve also just learned that Anthony Bourdain was found dead in his hotel room in an apparent suicide, Donald Trump is at the G7 meeting breaking all kinds of protocol and diplomacy, and Kim Jong Un will be meeting the US President in Singapore for what will be the most historic summit of these sworn enemies. Indeed these are truly interesting times that I’m living in. But alas….forces with sinister intentions are lurking in the shadows waiting for any opportunity to revert this country back to division with the ever fam...