Rumbling getting louder for PH

A majority of my friends and associate are beginning to mumble about the PH Government. They need to show progress and show it faster as the natives are getting restless.
All this constant politicking in the news are really not helping. Aside from a few Minister's a majority of those elevated to their post are not up to mark.
I think we all know who they are. Dr.M has done his best but the rest of the team is a let down.
Excuses are not tolerated anymore. Action is what's needed. Reforms as promised must be done at any political costs in the short term.
The rule of law must reign supreme or else PH will find itself fighting for it's survival. Dead wood must be removed and replaced. The talented must be groomed and prepared and allowed the opportunity to grow with freedom to do what's needed.
The people are watching and every mis step and bungling only angers an already frustrated voters even more.


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