
Employers And Employees Dilemma

This is a real dilemma faced by working class all over the globe. This writer from the Malay Mail points to some very real facts about the state of relationships between employers and employees. Read it here :   by Erna Mahyuni. The never ending dilemma of wanting a better pay for whatever job one is employed in. Employers are programmed to structure the pay as low as possible as it comes down to cost. I have theory, the real  culprit is neither employers nor employees but it's the Shareholders who always demand profits at whatever costs. Once a Company has Shareholders and answerable to them than someone will always lose, either the workers, the suppliers or even the customers.  Shareholders while providing capital,  needed for growth has too much power on how a company is run. Capitalism as practiced since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution is no lo...

The Truth Hurts..

Salute you Tan Sri. Artikel yg sgt baik dan ditunggu2 dari org UMNO dan bekas2 UMNO sendiri. Tahniah Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin krn berani berkata benar tanpa rasa takut. Semoga tulisan Tan Sri ini dapat membuka mata 53% Melayu yg masih gemar diperbodohkn dan ditipu oleh pemimpin2 korup UMNO trmsk prof2 Melayu yang kureng cerdik di universiti. Yang paling malang adalah PAS yg snggup bkerjasama dgn perosak bangsa. Hanya sekadar perkongsian...  Tan Sri Dato' Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas: Sesekali kena dgr jugak dr pihak PH... SIAPA PENGKHIANAT Dalam sejarah politik negara, hanya dibawah pimpinan UMNO lah kuasa politik Melayu yang diawal tahun 1955 pilihanraya tempatan peÅ•tama memenangi hampir 85% kerusi menjunam kepada dibawah 2/3 pada piliharaya 1959. Hanya dibawah UMNO, Melayu dahulunya mempunyai Menteri Kewangan dan Menteri Pendidikan dua jawatan terpenting negara dari MCA dan Menteri Pembangunan Kerjaraya dari MIC. Merekalah sebenarnya menguasai pembangunan dan kewangan negara. Maka d...

A Father’s Wisdom Earned...

As I look at my reflection in the mirror all I see is an old man with just a whisper of youth and exuberance still inside. Gone are the brash kid that at barely 18 faced the world with bravado .That questioned everything! That wanted to have fun! No responsibilities except for himself! But also..... That insecure kid that questioned his self worth everyday, And so much other things. The only thing I see starting back at me in the mirror is a 50 year old man's look of quiet contendment with where he is in life and what he may have accomplished... And someday, one day you too will get to soak in the very same experience. But before that day arrives for you, I'm going to share with you all to which that I have learned throughout my life so that you are better prepared than me to handle this thing called...Life.... 1-  The hardest thing to do in our lives is to EARN TRUST from others AND the easiest thing to do is to lose that TRUST! 2- You WILL fail! More than you will s...

Kucar Kacir

Kucar kacir is a Malay word for topsy turvy which is the state we are all in at the moment with the sabotage of our Parliament by Tan Sri Muhiyiddin & Co which is a stab in the back of our democracy! The most perplexing thing is, he seems to be doing it not for the good of our country but for only selfish and despicable reasons! One would’ve thought that he would be a gentleman but greed has taken over and at last a respected politician is now reduced to a pariah in the eyes of the concerned electorate. And except for a flood of political appointments to plush GLC’s and Ministries for his cohorts , nothing is being done to move the country along towards a better future! It’s all back to race and religion as a tool to cloud the foolish into supporting him and his band of thieves! What a shameless act reeking of treason of the highest order!! I’m mad! I’m frustrated! And there is no end in sight as the whole system has been rigged and manipulated for only them to dip their spineles...

What happened dear PH?

What happened dear PH? Why are you constantly shooting your own foot on a daily basis? Why are your Ministers showing nothing but incompetence that's so glaringly obvious for us to see? None of the Ministers have done anything we can all be proud of. Dr. Mahathir is allowed to use race and religion from the old playbook and none of you in cabinet are doing anything to stop him? Meanwhile our economy is tanking and gross as it may seem it's surreal that an attack on Saudi's oil plant is actually a good thing for our oil revenue. Where are you PH? What happened? Whose in charge? Don't you care about our wellbeing? If power is too much for you to handle then please resign and go home!  From Anwar to Dr. Mahathir to Syed Saddiq to almost all of you purportedly in charge nothing is being done! Damn it! Even Najib is still free to sow division among us but he needed try so hard because you, PH are doing it to yourselves! Are you such idiots that the concept of national ...


Its not very long. This is history. People and organisations do change over time - depending on other changes in their environment. THE NAZIS The plan for WWII, in accord with that devised by Albert Pike, and summarized by William Guy Carr, “was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This was to be fought so that Nazism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine.”[1] The harsh terms imposed by the agents of the Illuminati at the Treaty of Versailles that ruined Germany financially were to set the stage for World War II. Sure enough, in 1939 the Second World War started. It was Montagu Norman, as Chairman of the Bank of England, who, from 1933 through 1939, met repeatedly with Hjalmar Schacht, Reich Minister of Economics, and a member of the Rhodes Round Table, to plan the overall budget of the Nazi regime with British credit, and guided the strate...

Outside Of Outsyedthebox

I am an avid reader of the esteemed Syed Ali of blog. I find myself drawn to his thoughts and opinions on the state of our affairs. Being a well connected man with vast experience it’s refreshing to read up on his blog and get a sense of the pulse of our current state of affairs. His views echoes that of mine on matters of economy, education, politics, the middle east and religion. He has over 60mil hits on his blog and that’s truly amazing. Any media outlet would be lucky to have even half that on their sites or publication. And yet it seems that despite having that number of readers, his views is not considered main stream enough for our own Main Stream Media? I find that perplexing. He writes about issues that we all care about in a simple to understand and logical way and yet there’s hardly anyone in the government taking notice of the stuff he highlights even when it makes sense to all who read his article/s. Why is that? On the econom...


The appointment of Puan Latheefa as the head honcho at MACC has been met with quite a bit of flak and I find that amusing. Although it was done without consultation with the rest by our PM it still is under current law legitimate and that should be that right? Of course not! This is'Bolehland' and almost immediately the grumblings started by all quarters. Even the Bar Association had a few things to say on the matter when they have no business to wade in. And the politicians too from both sides started making noise. I say to hell with them. Our PM read this one correctly as far as the majority of Malaysians are concerned. MACC needs to have a no nonsense person to retake it's founding mandates from the clutches of those that have tried to destroy it from it's inception. I wish Latheefa well. I hope for our sakes she will clean up our country from the corruption and the decay in our institutions and government so that we can breathe the clean and uncorrupted air that w...