
Showing posts from 2020

The Truth Hurts..

Salute you Tan Sri. Artikel yg sgt baik dan ditunggu2 dari org UMNO dan bekas2 UMNO sendiri. Tahniah Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin krn berani berkata benar tanpa rasa takut. Semoga tulisan Tan Sri ini dapat membuka mata 53% Melayu yg masih gemar diperbodohkn dan ditipu oleh pemimpin2 korup UMNO trmsk prof2 Melayu yang kureng cerdik di universiti. Yang paling malang adalah PAS yg snggup bkerjasama dgn perosak bangsa. Hanya sekadar perkongsian...  Tan Sri Dato' Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas: Sesekali kena dgr jugak dr pihak PH... SIAPA PENGKHIANAT Dalam sejarah politik negara, hanya dibawah pimpinan UMNO lah kuasa politik Melayu yang diawal tahun 1955 pilihanraya tempatan peŕtama memenangi hampir 85% kerusi menjunam kepada dibawah 2/3 pada piliharaya 1959. Hanya dibawah UMNO, Melayu dahulunya mempunyai Menteri Kewangan dan Menteri Pendidikan dua jawatan terpenting negara dari MCA dan Menteri Pembangunan Kerjaraya dari MIC. Merekalah sebenarnya menguasai pembangunan dan kewangan negara. Maka d...

A Father’s Wisdom Earned...

As I look at my reflection in the mirror all I see is an old man with just a whisper of youth and exuberance still inside. Gone are the brash kid that at barely 18 faced the world with bravado .That questioned everything! That wanted to have fun! No responsibilities except for himself! But also..... That insecure kid that questioned his self worth everyday, And so much other things. The only thing I see starting back at me in the mirror is a 50 year old man's look of quiet contendment with where he is in life and what he may have accomplished... And someday, one day you too will get to soak in the very same experience. But before that day arrives for you, I'm going to share with you all to which that I have learned throughout my life so that you are better prepared than me to handle this thing called...Life.... 1-  The hardest thing to do in our lives is to EARN TRUST from others AND the easiest thing to do is to lose that TRUST! 2- You WILL fail! More than you will s...

Kucar Kacir

Kucar kacir is a Malay word for topsy turvy which is the state we are all in at the moment with the sabotage of our Parliament by Tan Sri Muhiyiddin & Co which is a stab in the back of our democracy! The most perplexing thing is, he seems to be doing it not for the good of our country but for only selfish and despicable reasons! One would’ve thought that he would be a gentleman but greed has taken over and at last a respected politician is now reduced to a pariah in the eyes of the concerned electorate. And except for a flood of political appointments to plush GLC’s and Ministries for his cohorts , nothing is being done to move the country along towards a better future! It’s all back to race and religion as a tool to cloud the foolish into supporting him and his band of thieves! What a shameless act reeking of treason of the highest order!! I’m mad! I’m frustrated! And there is no end in sight as the whole system has been rigged and manipulated for only them to dip their spineles...