
Showing posts from November, 2018

Reject other UN treaties too, PAS tells Putrajaya

Well.... that certainly didn't take long for more demands from the very people that have no business making any demands in the first place!!! The back boneless PH has opened the flood gates by kowtowing to bullies!!! Bravo!!!! Empower the bullies!!! Terrific!!! Read the stupid stuff this ularmark says here  and another idiot  here. And here's more stupid and unbelievably moronic statement  Footballers to cover up . stupid /ˈstjuːpɪd/Submit adjective 1. having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense. "I was stupid enough to think she was perfect" synonyms: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, brainless, mindless, foolish, dull-witted, dull, slow-witted, witless, slow, dunce-like, simple-minded, empty-headed, vacuous, vapid, half-witted, idiotic, moronic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, doltish

“Are you a Muslim? This is not a political issue, we are just asking what is in the Federal Constitution,”

So this past the sell by date politician thinks he can ask another person if he's muslim. Wonderful! What a load of bull spit of the highest order! These degenerates really have no sense of shame or any ounce of dignity!  Read here. Does he even know what's in the Constitution? I really doubt that! He has never shown any interest except his own so here we are again in this never ending loop of self denial and self promotion by expired politicians still stuck in their own ways who are now feeling rather hot and bothered by all the pending investigations and court cases that they have to answer for. Although to be fair, PH delivered their own goal on this one! They had the opportunity to re align this country towards a better and more inclusive future but in the end political survival and expediency ruled the day! They will come to regret allowing a small bunch of hooligans to demand the non ratification of ICERD and by opening this Pandora's Box they will find themselves...

The slide to Mazism....

Malaysia it seems is sliding dangerously towards a version of Nazism which I term as Mazism due to the constant and unrelenting use of race, religion, royalty. As with the Nazi's the new mushrooming of groups, NGO's etc promotes Malay pride (Master Race), anti jews, anti chinese and expresses dissatisfaction with things like  ICERD  without the need for proper dialogue and consultations. Sound familiar? And the authorities are slow to identify and curb such extremists views and allowing for these pressure groups with nefarious motives and intentions to gain traction and support throughout the malay citizens. What are they thinking? I am all for freedom of expression but when a group of people can threaten chaos if things doesn't go their way well....need I say more? Perhaps someone has to get hurt before we realise that this is a problem. And this is supposedly a New Malaysia. We are slowly dividing our fellow Malaysians by refusing to acknowledge the issue for politica...

Malacca Chief Minister...Is this the best you can do???

Pelajar Tahfiz negeri Melaka akan di latih pendawaian elektrik elak kebakaran??  Berita di sini.  Adui.... Bukan ke keselamatan di mana mana sekolah adalah tanggungjawab pentadbir dan pengurusan sekolah tersebut? Walaupun dari satu aspek sebarang latihan buat pelajar adalah positif tapi nampaknya di Melaka ianya sedang di 'out sourced' ke pihak pelajar pulak? Tak cukup lagi ke ajensi ajensi kerajaan negeri dan pusat seperti Bomba/Majlis Daerah dll yang sepatutnya memantau tahap keselamatan mana mana sekolah sekalipun? Tujuan pelajar ke sekolah adalah menuntut ilmu dalam bidang di sediakan sekolah tersebut. Dan kenapa hanya memfokus pada pendawaian elektrik? Macamana hal nya dengan perkara lain yang jugak boleh mendatangkan musibah kebakaran? Puntung rokok atau kebocoran gas misalnya? Atau pihak di latih itu tiada di premis dari masa ke semasa? Apa pulak prosidur kalau macam tu?  Kenapa jugak di letakkan perlaksanaan program ini di bawah Jabatan Agama Islam Melaka? P...

Poverty Rehabilitation And Management (Malaysia)

A lot has been said about eradicating poverty with countless programs and Government agencies with billions in aid disbursements, subsidies etc given to the targeted group in an effort to reduce poverty and increase the economic opportunities for the lower income group in Malaysia. The whole effort can be deemed somewhat successful thus far but a lot can still be improved upon to grow the income for the targeted group. Here are a few suggestions just based on my experience of being in the B40 range in terms of median income as prescribed by the Department Of Statistics Malaysia. Firstly there must be structural changes made to be more pro active and not reactive as presently done. Here are a few ideas from me as to how this can be achieved with minimal cost to the Government:- 1- Overhaul the data collection methods with input from real time sources as opposed to last years statistics. This can be achieved using technology with a simple app that can be downloaded by anyone...

Clare Rewcastle - The Story Behind the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) Expose

Hear the latest on 1MDB as explained by Clare Rewcastle  The complete presentation  here.

Another one bites the dust....1MDB aftermath...

List of those charged related to 1MDB and other malfeasance :- Najib Abdul Razak ( Ex PM/UMNO President ) Rosmah Mansor ( Ex FLOM konon nya..) Zahid Hamidi ( Current UMNO President ) Musa Aman ( Ex Sabah CM ) Mohd Irwan Serigar Abdullah ( Ex KSK ) Adnan Mansor ( Ex Federal Territories Minister/UMNO General Secretary ) Reezal Merican Naina Merican ( Ex MP/UMNO Supreme Council ) Rizal Mansor ( Tak tau mamat ni kerja apa..) Shahidan Kassim ( Ex Minister In The PM Dept ) Muhammad Shafee Abdullah ( Lawyer ) Dalil dari Al Quran tentang rasuah : وَلَا تَأْكُلُوا أَمْوَالَكُم بَيْنَكُم بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتُدْلُوا بِهَا إِلَى الْحُكَّامِ لِتَأْكُلُوا فَرِيقًا مِّنْ أَمْوَالِ النَّاسِ بِالْإِثْمِ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ "Dan janganlah kamu makan (atau mengambil) harta (orang-orang lain) di antara kamu dengan jalan yang salah, dan jangan pula kamu menghulurkan harta kamu (memberi rasuah) kepada hakim-hakim kerana hendak memakan (atau mengambil) sebahagi...
Student activists march to Parliament in protest of PTPTN pay cut move Malu lah brader !! Ada la sikit 'kemaluan'... Please la.. And we wonder why these supposedly graduate cretins are by passed by employers? Why employers avoid our grads with a long pole.How can you make demands on not repaying a loan that was given in order for you to have a higher education and a better future?  Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-Malaysia (Gamis) konon? Gamis president Muhammad Faizzuddin Mohd Zai just tell us who paid you la brader...simple. How much RM50 notes did you get for this 'stunt'? Is that amount enough for you and justify you to shame your fellow anak Melayu? Macam ni ke semangat juang anak muda bergelar Melayu? Brader...duit bayaran balik PTPTN tu bukan di guna untuk beli Berkin handbag ke, Condo ke, buat movie Hollywood ke, beli barang kemas ke, beli Yacht mewah ke....duit tu untuk generasi belakang sedara yang bakal memasuki institusi pengajian tinggi akan datang.  ...

Thank you - Rafidah Aziz for saying so...

I FIND  it incredulous, to the point of being angry even, that there are still people who choose to be in an almost perpetual state of denial. As a taxpayer, I do expect that money spent must be for the nation's good. Certainly, like the many millions of Malaysians, I was riled up with the long and continually expanding list of revelations on the charges against various individuals. Topping the list are the top two heads of the previous government. It continues to be mind-boggling. I start each day wondering what else will be revealed. Who else will be called in for questioning, Who else will get to wear the orange suit? And what more abuses of authority will be revealed. Will it be a never-ending story? Heaven forbid. Justice must take its course and must prevail. I am glad the knots are being tied and pieces of the jigsaw are now being firmly put into place. However, it does not cease to amaze me that in spite of the evidence staring at our dumbfounded faces there are ...

Malaysia 2019 Budget

The time has come for this newish Government to present to us it's Budget Plan for next year. It is a Budget that is being closely watched and scrutinized by all from the C.E.O's, foreign and local investors and fund managers to the makcik's and uncle's selling on the streets and everyone in between. This is viewed rightfully so as a litmus test of this new administration to show us what they can and will deliver after years of abuse and misallocations of the forever scheming last administration of the clueless Najib and his cohorts of cling'on's that saw only opportunities to exploit the budget to line up their pockets. Let's see what they can come up with after all the rhetoric is said and done. I am reserving judgement until the Budget is presented.  Malaysia is in dire need of structural economic mending but the politics is getting in the way to REAL meaningful reforms to our economic well being. There's just too many vested interests that ar...